Israel, Prophecy

Bomb in Jerusalem – Terry Crockett

Photos courtesy Pixabay

Bomb in Jerusalem

8/8/24 4:20 PM
Terry Crockett


Who stands on the Winds of time stirring up nations to rise and kings to take their place of destiny? Who has He given permission to devour and consume releasing these to fulfill His Word? For these Day of Destiny are Holy, fulling the Word of the Lord. Amen

Let us proceed with and in what ‘must be’.

The Middle East set on fire and ablaze with the enemies breath. Nation upon nation standing shoulder to shoulder against My nation. Wars and rumors of wars playing on the big screen of time set in My Books, fulfilling My Word. Amen

Nation after nation aligning against My land, joining hand in hand, coming to strike deadly blows, destroying the Holy Land. All eyes turning to the Middle East amazed at the speed this war has escalated.

Hear, O Israel, who touches you, touches Me! A war spilling over its borders touching many nations. For frightening times and days are ahead as Israel takes a direct hit, a bomb hidden in the belly of caverns, underneath ready to explode in the City of God Most High. O’ Jerusalem, a city with My Name, they have not come against you, but Me. O ancient one, look what your enemy has done seeking the old ways tarnishing a Name written in the Earth.

Who could image the destruction and devastation that one bomb could do. Holy Sepulchre steeped in tradition gone in flash, blasted off the face of the Earth.

How your landscape has changed, burnt as if fire has devoured you. Your enemies celebrate victory in the stench of death all around them. Where is your Iron Dome, who has conspired such evil?

I see one delivering the gift of death coming in your back door. Hezbollah, Russia, Iran all have their hands in it, these lovers of death.

This will be a game changer as all Israel will be shaken, as an enemy has broken through unannounced causing many to die and Israel’s leaders shaken.

This war will turn, as many seek peace for their tiny nation. Outside pressure brokering a Peace Deal for the security and preservation of the Earth. The people wake up to the fears within them as a Nuclear age now is on the table, with enemies willing to use them.

World on high alert as stability is taken away and a new age opens into all things new.


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