October 3, 2023 1:46 AM
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Dear brothers and sisters,
On Oct.1/2023 I was up until 5 am working on a new Word I will be sharing shortly entitled, “BLOW THE TRUMPET”. As I was wrapping things up to head to bed, I prayed over it to ask the Holy Spirit if He needed me to do any editing or if He had anything to add. When suddenly the Holy Spirit begin putting this great pressure on my Spirit.
The Word itself is a hard one to speak because Father has made it known to me that many who call themselves by His Name are convinced that they are saved and are going to heaven. But in fact, are deceived. I told Father that if I bring such a strong Word, most people will just shut the video off and walk away. How could I help? He said to BLOW THE TRUMPET for these people are almost out of time to make amends. Hell is about to break loose. If they don’t take this Word seriously and change the direction they are going, that they will encounter severe consequences due to the fact that the deception is only going to thicken from here on out. If you have loved the lie over the truth, He will give you up to your own delusion. He will not come off His throne to grab your hand and walk you in the opposite direction. We are already in End Times. If you do not act quickly, to meet Yeshua in your Secret Place to examine yourself, confess your sins and start living a life that is pleasing to Him according to His full counsel (New and Old Testament), you will very well end up being one of those to whom Yeshua will say, “Get away from me, you evildoer. I never knew you.” He said to consider this your warning.
Father said that it is because of His great grace that He is sending out this message so that those of you to whom it pertains, may swiftly take it to prayer and fasting while seeking Him with all your hearts. Please hear this warning in its entirety and don’t miss out on the next Word, “BLOW THE TRUMPET”. If you feel the prompting of the Holy Spirit to go into your Secret Place and seek Him further on this, do not resist His call. In so doing, this warning may actually end up saving your life.
I recall that in a previous Word entitled, “REPENT, FOR THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS HERE!”, Yah shared a similar sentiment. Please review it in conjunction with “IS MY FAITH ENOUGH?” Links to both of these documents will be provided for you in the description box.
Here is the matter that Yah has presented to me. He basically said that many have anchored themselves to particular Bible verses that speak about believing in Christ in order to receive eternal life. For example, John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. Another one is Rom.10:9, “if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Now, although these verses are trustworthy, they do not represent the full counsel of Yah. This means that the simple action of believing in Yeshua is not sufficient to get you into heaven.
The Bible not only attests to Yeshua being the Son of Yah, but also that He is the Word that became flesh. And in order to please Father we must live a life of obedience to Him. That being said, verses that state to live out our salvation in fear and trembling, that we must exercise a live faith (one that can be seen through deeds) and that Yeshua is coming back for a Bride that is blameless, without spot nor wrinkle must all be taken into consideration. This puts things into the perspective that there is a huge responsibility on any believer not only to believe and confess, but also to actively obey the full Word of Elohim.
If you have confessed Yeshua as your Saviour but are still doing things that displease Father, living a life of sin, imitating the way the world lives, you are in danger of hell’s flames as your belief will not be sufficient to get you into heaven.
A second thing that Father has made me aware of is that many who call themselves by His Name, who are just as deceived, are the ones who do not spend any time in their Secret Place, to wholeheartedly praise Him in songs, to worship Him with their bodies, words and deeds, to keenly study His Word of Truth, and to pray incessantly. Their spiritual condition is lukewarm at best. If this is you, I need to tell you that you are in danger of being vomited by Yeshua’s mouth as per Rev.3. If you consider yourself a child of Elohim, how can you not make time to nurture your relationship with Him, to get to know Him intimately? Do you realize what great gift He has given us by sending His Holy Spirit to dwell within us? He has basically made His Word and will so accessible to us through His Spirit if we only ask Him. And how can you think you will spend eternity with Him when you cannot make time for Him now?
The last category I need to bring a warning to is to those who have made themselves so comfortable with the doctrines of men taught in their churches. These do not realize how unholy their church actually is; how it hardly has any resemblance to Yeshua’s pure and undefiled Bride. The vast majority of churches have lost the anointing of Yah’s Spirit and are running on empty. Pastors preach and teach doctrines and traditions they have learned in Bible school, led by none other than the Catholic church. If you actually spent time humbly reading and studying the Word for yourself, it wouldn’t take long for you to see this form of deception. Yah says that these institutions reflect more of the world than Him. In fact, they are highly embedded with paganism. Sensationalism has taken root as people tend to associate the move of the Spirit on their emotions – if a song or sermon makes them feel good. He said that greed is leading these centres and that a spirit of hypnosis is over the people. Sin leads to death and must be exposed and preached as such. Sugar-coating, twisting and misinterpreting Father’s truth will lead to spiritual death. The first step to come away from this sort of deception is to accept this is truly happening. Then take it to Father in earnest prayer that He may break all the chains that are keeping you bound to these places. Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, His wisdom.
Again, if you are listening to this and feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit that this Word applies to you, please go into your Secret Place, examine yourself with His help, confess your sins and start living a holy life according to Father’s expectations. Do not be deceived. Father will not lower His standards of holiness to accommodate our sins and addictions into heaven. Spend time dwelling in the Secret Place of the Most High and get to know the King. Make every effort to enter through the Narrow Gate which the Bible states not many will find. And lastly, pray for discernment about the church you may be attending. If Father shows you that it is indeed an apostate church, flee from it!
May Father give you understanding over this very powerful and deep Word at this crucial time. Praying for Yeshua to remove the scales of deception and draw many unto Himself. ALL glory to the Most High Yah!
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