
Black Eyed Babies Being Born – Cassandra

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Black Eyed Babies Being Born

December 29, 2023 6:51 AM

Dream rec’d 12/29/23

Greetings brethren, I think Abba Father wants to remind us again to beware of the black eyed children. I had a brief dream last night. In my dream I was telling people that the black eyed babies were being born. One or both of the parents had taken the snakebite in the arm. I also said that NOT ALL of them were having black eyed children. End of dream.

I found one post on this site that I would encourage you to visit or revisit:


At first I didn’t understand why the Lord had brought to my attention again about the Black Eyed Children. But then the Holy Spirit gave in my spirit very clear instruction that these children are an evil phenomena and that we are not to be taken in by their children like stature – for great evil works within them.

If you should encounter them, DO NOT let them into your homes or vehicles or go anywhere they may want you to go. DO NOT TRUST THEM OR ANYTHING THEY SAY. It is best to get away from them and/or close your doors to them. Do not engage in conversation with them and do not accept anything from them. Bring in your pets if they are outside and do not let them out if you have encountered Black Eyed Children.

They usually appear in pairs, though there have been accounts of them in groups of three, but rarely are they on their own.

The Lord has impressed upon me that the enemy will be using every tactic available against us – especially those that we assign innocence and vulnerability to.

I had also mentioned the black eyed children in this post:



I was also reminded and feel led to remind you that the black eyed children are now being born. Thankfully, some are dying in the womb because they are DEMONS. As they get older, and when things get worse, these children will be looking for help, and trying to snare us. DO NOT for any reason engage with them in any way and DO NOT EVER let one into your house or car! Get away and stay away from them. VERY BAD things will happen if you try to help them. There are numerous words and videos on the black eyed children. Now we know where they came from, drinking the kool-aid.​

Blessings, discernment, and shalom,

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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