Warning, Jesus, REPENT, The Mark, Trump, Vision, Word

Behold, I Stand at the Door… – Mena Lee Jones

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Behold, I Stand at the Door…

March 26, 2025 9:24 AM
Mena Lee Jones
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries

I would like to share a visitation from the Lord that took place on March 24th (two nights ago).

The Lord Jesus appeared to me and said, “Come, I want to show you something.”

I took His hand and immediately, we were in a vast place. It looked like a wilderness; rocky and arid. In the midst of the wilderness were multiple Bedouin-like tents, all square in shape. The material of the tents were heavy (like wool) and dark in color. The tents were lined up like row houses, and oddly, each tent had a wooden door as its entrance.

I watched as Jesus walked up to one of the tents and knocked at the door.

There was no answer.

I could now hear the chatter of multitudes in the wind. It was the conversations going on in each tent. The sound grew louder and louder, and it almost sounded chaotic.

The conversations were of everything: people talking about their worries, fears, bills, and gossip. I heard couples arguing, children laughing, while others were sobbing. I could hear the plans of many; their careers, purchases, retirement, vacations, etc.

Jesus turned to me. He face was stern, yet His eyes were saddened. He spoke and said, “I Am standing at the door of many, knocking, but they do not answer. I Am calling out to many, but they cannot hear Me. Tell them, I Am Coming! They are caught up in the cares of this life, the busyness of the world. I Am not first in their lives, I Am not the center of their homes. Many that claim to know Me do not know My voice. Tell them, I Am Coming!”

A spiral staircase appeared in front of us. The staircase was very narrow, and etched on the face of each stair was Hebrew writing, however, I was not given what it said. The top of each stair was covered in blood.

Jesus began ascending the the staircase and beckoned me to follow. As we began climbing the stairs, I could hear a song playing in the wind. I looked down and saw that my feet were bare and now covered in the blood from the stairs.

Jesus said, “Tell them I will cover their sins, they only need to repent. Tell them My blood was spilled to wash away their iniquities, to heal the wounds of their hearts and souls, to cleanse their walk. But they must make Me first. There can be no other god. Tell them I Am Coming Soon.”

This experience repeated three times in the same night.

A couple of weeks prior, the Lord gave me a vision. In this vision, I saw the White House. In front of its doors, I saw a tall skeleton, about twenty feet in height. In its hands it bore a sword that reminded me of the sword of the Shriners. The skeleton’s position was that of a guard.

The voice of the Lord spoke above me and said, “Trump is not well.”

Then He said, “E. Musk and his “D” team (I am coding this, so fill in the gaps) will create a biometric ID. They have advanced technology, and they will soon implement the Mark of the Beast.”

There are many other things the Lord has given, but I am still waiting for instructions on when and how to release it.

However, what I can tell you who are reading this, that time is a lot shorter than most of you think. 2025 is the beginning of the end of all things. This is the final countdown. The season of the church building is over. This is the season of the “called out ones.”

It’s time to get your house in order.

As with all things, take this to prayer for confirmation.

Mena Lee Jones
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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