Be Ready
9/24/24 7:10 PM
All things occur for reasons. Good is not always what a child of mine will receive. Lessons are learned thru adversities, challenges, and hardships. We mold and form ourselves thru our experiences. As we partake in those experiences many find who they are. For without the challenges, character is much harder to receive (obtain).
My children are products of their environment which pushes them to new levels—sometimes in adversity and other times in glory.
Know that you may be down a certain path for a reason. Be accepting of all you have been given and all that has been taken away. For your soul may be saved thru the adversities in life. Sometimes being on the end of gifts, wealth, and power is a detriment to your soul’s advancement.
Know that we all find our maker in different ways. Be thankful in whatever situation you are. You can access and find me if you only look
Not everything in life is predictable and cut and dry. Laws of nature are concrete, until they are found to have flaws and anomalies that disprove them. Coincidences that happen too frequently are other anomalies that makes no sense. Life and what you can expect is set in stone, until it is not. Be ready for those anomalies, coincidences and laws of nature and physics to be challenged. Be ready for change. Be ready for I Am.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos