12/12/24 8:16 AM
Daniel Masika ke
On December-12-2024
in the Vision I saw the Wind Blowing on Earth and there was an Earthquakes on the whole Earth and this happened in the Middle of the Day time, and the Earthquake was Huge and many lives were lost and many families destroyed and great wealth was Destroyed and swallowed by the Earth there was the Cry all over the earth, But the wind kept Blowing on The Earth and and Object fall down on Earth the Object was like Flying Moon with wings there come out an army of Alien’s
-And the Human had a system of Technology Their called it Artificial Intelligence this system Brought the connection between Demons, and fallen Angels with the Alien’s and Nephilim’s I saw in the Vision the Coming battle between Human, Alien’s and Nephilim’s and the Fallen Angels their weapons were Rays and glowing Light , In this world Humans will have trouble, There will be more trouble than there has ever been since the beginning of the world until now, for in the Vision i saw other Beings from other planets take over the Earth ,food will be trouble, trees and plants on Earth will be total destroyed and new sickness and diseases with no cure will Destroy humans and their will cry in Pain , then i saw human cry out for help and God in heaven did not Respond
-Until the Clouds open and the Lamb of God appeared, then i saw every weapon dropped on Ground and every being and human begun to run left and right, including he which deceived the whole world fled, oooh oooh oooh Earth time has come Everyone will carry his cross and burden for the King of Rightness’s will judge right and his saints the angel spoke the one that had a Ram horn, He the lamb of God dint not restore the Earth But them that had the mark and the light of the Lamb were comforted and Given rest ,But the fire come down from above and consumed the Earth ,and everyone was judged Right and i woke up in the Vision
Much Love