America, Judgment, NWO, Prophecy


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9/9/24 8:24 AM
Abby K

Message received on 26/08/24 at 12:30 pm

Revelation 13:1:The dragon[a] stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.

Revelation 7:3-4: “Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God.” Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.

As My judgments fall My children, I want you all to know that you have nothing to fear at all. These things must be and they must come to pass. You will have the provision and the time to prepare your households for these times, for many will suffer much loss. Because they have not believes nor heeded to My warnings, they will be found unprepared and may will go crazy even to the point of taking their own lives.

The three days of darkness is edging closer and closer and as such you need to be prepared spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically for it will be My great judgment upon this wicked world where the horses of hell will bw fully releases I to your world. Nothing will be the same again from here on, and you will either be with Me or against Me. After this, you will stand in the gap for many who will survive these three days, and the biggest harvest of souls shall come upon the earth.

The beast is very ready and prepared to stand his position and I am putting all My ducks in a row, to be the standard I am raising in these dark times against him.

This coming election in the America will be a major turning point in the world for it will affect the whole world. You are at the brink of WW3 and nations ready to attack America are already in their positions. I am the One Who will release the at the right time. Even inside the government itself, there are many who are sold out to America’s enemies, and they are just waiting for that time to turn against the govt. Betrayal will eat from within the government and once it is shaken, they will lose control and authority over major decisions and their military will be compromised. Here too, there are those on the inside ready to betray then when the time is right. Both the government and the military are already sold out to their enemies and America is no longer in control.

The enemies surrounding them have nuclear power capabilities and so America and her allies can no longer boast of being super powers. There are new nations on the block who have been planning for decades and decades on how to bring down America and they have succeeded. America’s government are as the governments of this world, are no longer concerned about their people but on promoting the beast’s agenda. The people are on their own and this is why the times you have now entered are very perilous. The governments have sold their people to the beast, they are no longer in power and so they are now doing what their master tells them to do and not what the people want.

The beast is now using the governments of the world as a gun turned towards it people to silence them and force them to tow the line of the beast. So where will this leave the common man? Yes, on their own, to fend and fight for themselves and this is why you will see civil breaking out everywhere as a reaction to the tough laws being implemented by their governments. These wars will be met with cruel and gruesome reaction from their governments, who will silence the people by all means necessary. The citizens will never stand a chance with their governments because they don’t have the machines necessary to stand against them, other than their voices which can only go so far, for they land on dead ears. So welcome to the beast system spoken of in My word, he arises from the sea to take control over nations. The beast that arises from the earth is the false prophet who has already merged many religions into one. Worship whichever God you want under one umbrella. But I, the Great I AM, from before time, will never stand for this nonsense, for I brought no religion on earth. All these religions are man made and are idolatry.

This is why My true sons will be sought after, for in them is the true Ruach Hakodesh, The Holy Spirit that bears witness both on earth and in the heavens. He is the great restrainer who has held back evil from bearing it’s wicked face to its fullest, but soon , I will withdraw Him to remain only in My chosen ones. He resides only in holy temples, not those made by man, but those circumcised by My Truths. When this happens, the church as you know it will cease to be, for I will remove My lamp stands from the churches that have compromised My Spirit and blasphemed My name and used it in vain. Many will fall away as a result and I will be nowhere to be found, for the time they should have sought Me and called upon Me is come to a close.

I now give them over to their many other gods who have led them astray. The gods are not many, it is the same god who has divided himself into many religions whether they know it or not. This is why I’ve pulled My remnants from these wicked gatherings. So all is set and all systems are a go for a one world religion, a one world government and a one world currency, constituting the New World Order which will be ushered in after all hell breaks lose. Like I said, this US election will be a major turning point for all these things to begin falling into place.

The human race has already been infiltrated by strange blood and now many are not humans that walk the earth. These lies I am exposing for it is time that man may choose whether to walk in darkness or walk in light. Many demons are running the world, they are not humans even though they look human. They have mingled with the daughters of men, even ordinary people but are demons and now there are many children on earth not of My blood and DNA. For satan has been creating for himself a people called by his name that will infiltrate My blood and bring corruption. The mark of the beast has been in play for centuries and many carry it even without knowing it.

Woe to the inhabitants of the earth for satan’s wrath is now kindled against them to eradicate them like a bad disease. These transhumans will worship satan for it is in their blood to do so. They have mingled with pure blood and brought forth offspring that will worship satan. This has been happening since the fall of man and I can tell you unequivocally, that there are now as many transhumans as there are humans and this is why I likened My coming as in the days of Noah, because in his days, impure blood was running everywhere. This is why I am moving quickly to bring My judgments upon the earth and save mankind from extinction. Such is the wickedness in your world. They have infiltrated families, churches, schools, governments, hospitals and all spheres of life.

This is how satan is going to control the world, for that person whom you called your husband, your child, your neighbour, your best friend, your boss and so forth, will suddenly turn against you. When they administered the COVID vaccine, they were turning My pure blood into that of demons. So now, many more joined his family that were not born of his blood. And when the time comes for him to control mankind, he will activate his DNA in all these beings to speak his language and to do his bidding. This is the mark and when this happens, you cannot be in the same house with such a person for they will turn into their father the devil. Their love will grow cold and they will betray you to the authorities. Many families will be broken for good and you will have to run away from them.

But those born not of the Wish of husband and wife, but by My Spirit, will STAND. Not all born in the same family carry the same blood or My DNA. Those that I chose before the foundations of this world are born into families but are not of those families. They carry My DNA which can never be corrupted and these are the ones born of My Spirit, not of blood and not of flesh but by My Spirit. Just like My Son never came forth from the will of husband and wife, but by My Spirit, and these are the ones who I have called to be conformed into the image of My Son, Yeshua, Who is the Firstborn among My First fruit. This too is a mystery that I am now revealing in these end times.

These ones will arise as one for they will hear My sound to arise. They are not of this world, for they were sent to earth for such a time as this. They became flesh and took on human form and lived like man, awaiting for this time. And all creation recognizes them and this is why creation has been eagerly waiting for their revealing, for they alone can redeem creation from it’s futility. They carry My Blood, My Spirit, My Sound and now I am activating My sound in them that has been buried deep within them for ages, that will align creation for their redemption. My breath in them will give them new utterances that will access realms and dimensions never accessed before, but is now for such a time as this.

Their time has come for ALL TRUTH must be revealed, and ALL Lies must be exposed for man to make his final choice. These are My Sons whom I sent to earth to redeem all creation and to rule and reign over all. They are from the beginning and now they will return mankind back to the beginning.


Luke 21:26

Revelation 9:1-6

Matthew 12:30

Isaiah 59:19

Matthew 24:10

2 Timothy 3:1-5

Revelation 13:11-13

James 1:27

Romans 8:14

1 John 5:7-8

2 Thessalonians 2:6

1 Corinthians 3:16-17

Revelation 2:5

Matthew 24:10

Isaiah 55:6

Romans 1:24

2 Corinthians 4:4

Luke 12:2-3

Genesis 6:1-4

Genesis 3:15

Revelation 12:12

Matthew 24:36-39

Matthew 10:34-37

John 1:13

John 3:5

Romans 8:29

John 1:14

Romans 8:19

Revelation 20:6


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