3/21/25 4:32 PM
“For the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, And their eyes they have closed, Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, So that I should heal them.” – Jesus (Matt. 13:15)
Dream mid-March 2025:
Was in a building looked sort of like a school or institution: walls, hallways, elevators, rooms, nothing on walls except a huge screen monitor in room and chairs
Was watching this…
Saw people come off elevator. They all went into a room and sat down. They were facing a large monitor mounted on the wall.
Everyone was waiting for a “show” to begin. It was like they look forward to the show.
It did not start…
Then as I was watching I realized something was wrong. I felt something unholy was going on.
People started to say “Something is wrong”
(This next part is disturbing, but important)
Suddenly I look to see the faces of the people waiting to see the “show”
And one man’s eye popped like burst and an ARTIFICIAL EYE was in its place.
Then I could literally HEAR the normal eyes of people bursting and they would then have two ARTIFCIAL EYES.
They looked like plastic and bulging. But somehow they were ROOTED deeper in their body like UNHOLY PLANTS.
Watching this was horrifying. I saw people of many different cultures, but they all had the EXACT SAME ARTIFICIAL EYES.
Next I see a group kids, like elementary kids coming down the hall acting normal some were giggling and such, but I could see that some of their eyes were ARTIFICAL too.
They did not notice.
Also with the adults, it seem that there was a moment where it was UNEXPECTED but after that the people were not bothered by the ARTIFICAL EYES.
I saw a few individuals who seems to be tasked with checking on how these eyes were working…I think they were wearing lab coats or something.
This was the same room with the monitor and also where the ARTIFICAL EYES emerged.
The people were given strips of paper of different colors. They were supposed to do something with these strips of paper and fill in answer boxes.
The “moderators” over them were checking their answers to see how well the ARTIFICIAL EYES were working.
Once the ARTIFICAL EYES emerged the person perceived REALITY ONLY THRU AI and what moderators told them.
Taken over, usurped.
Had the impression it is so near the time for actual the mark of the beast, but faith and true repentance could still save a person from this!!!
I was watching all of this and did not want any part of it.
I saw an older man in a different place and I thought he could help.
There was also a little boy, for some reason I knew he should not get the artificial eyes.
At that moment, I was aware that in order to be kept safe from these evils you needed a STRONG IMMUNE SYSTEM physically and spiritually.
I looked at the older man thinking, what do we do?
At that, I woke up. We have our Heavenly Father’s “number”!!! To CALL UPON HIS NAME and we are ALREADY MARKED and SEALED with HOLY SPIRIT, SPIRIT OF TRUE LIFE!
Also, from this dream I realize how conditioned people will be to accept the FINAL MARK, they will WANT it!
Blind leading the Blind!
Remember in the garden Satan deceived Eve by saying your EYES WILL BE OPENED!
But not in the way she thought…
Brothers and Sisters guard Your EYES AND EARS AND HEART AND MIND, do not worship media or technology or devices!
Our GOD is a Jealous GOD, the LORD loves you truly and fiercely!
May we fix our love and affection and attention on our ETERNAL HOLY LORD…
Our Heavenly Father wants all of us, to be holy and consecrated to Him, pure and uncorrupted,
Remember JESUS Christ YAHSHUA HaMASCIACH and His shed blood and body given for your salvation!!
May the LORD bless your EYES TO SEEK His Face and to heed His Voice in JESUS Name amen!
“But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear” -Jesus Matt 13:16
Photos courtesy Depositphotos