
Are you hidden in Me? – T. Andrew Farley

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Are you hidden in Me?

10/17/24 12:54 AM
T. Andrew Farley

A Word from the Lord God, via His Spirit: Are you hidden in Me?

The key to hiddenness- is found in My presence. Without you in Me or Me in you, you are fully exposed to the adversary and his spiritual forces that seek to kill, steal or destroy you!

I am present in My fully surrendered vessels, they understand that they are My temple; for I AM their habitation.

These are My chosen one’s, because they are empty of self and do not deny the power of My Spirit today; thus the Comforter leads and guides them to all truth and will reveal Me through them, to a lost and dying world.

These are those who are not defiled any longer by the muck and mire of this world; they counted the cost and paid the price to follow Me and place Me first; they understand their righteousness is not their own! They abide in the Vine and My righteousness- which is available to all who choose to abide! These who have chosen wisely- have come (Or are coming) out of the world systems, of both Egypt and Babylon; they want no part of it!

These are the living stones and I am putting the very last finishing touches on each of them, the polishing so to speak. This is so that I can soon unveil them fully upon and to the Earth, and they can fulfill the plans and purposes of their steps in Me; steps ordained before the foundations.

They sit with me now in heavenly places, yet they also stand for Me on earth at the end of this age!

These are my special forces, my forward operators, my hidden ones, who will be unveiled on their specific mission assignments- to shine their light brightly on a multitude of rescue and recovery operations; all in My name and all for My glory.

They will represent Me, because I will be in and with them, co-laboring in the harvest field of My love and restoration! They have chosen with their free will to forsake all, and to lose their lives- thus they are not only saved; they will be used throughout eternity as administrators of THE ETERNAL KINGDOM, on behalf of My Father and I! We are One.

As for these times (Now at hand) and over the next few years, it is critical to remain hidden in Me, for perilous times have come and are now here! Every single son or daughter of The Father, every sheep of the lost house of Israel- is a “targeted individual” by the evil one who’s time is short!

Without Me (And being covered by My shed blood) without belief in My resurrection from earthly death, there is no provision or protection (Or hiddenness) period!

There are times where you will be fully engaged (Seen and NOT hidden!) for Me and shining so bright, that many people with hardened hearts, will melt with the love and power of my mercy and truth that I orchestrate through your steps and especially My Word through your lips, in these harvest encounters!

However, there will be occasions in the midst of things that I need to hide you, or you will need to hide yourself! When I “hid myself” from the Pharisees and walked through the midst of them, I can do the same within (And through) My special forces! I AM always one step ahead for those who listen and obey and trust Me.

I can also move them (Or you!) in a micro-second from one place to another on earth, or even to other realms if I so choose! I have a number of My children who have given true testimonies of experiencing translation. (Even the one who has transcribed this message on My behalf; can give a (public) witness on this subject one day; if he chooses to.)

By the time these missions are occurring, fear will no longer enter the vocabulary of those who are bold and zealous for Me! They seek glory, honor and praise due to My Father through My Name and what I AM doing in My quick reconciliation work at the end of the age!

I have appointed and anointed them, for I know them and I trust them!

If you are NOT an abider yet, I invite you to become one, but you must do so quickly! My love is EQUAL for every one of My sheep, no one is more loved than another, but you are each loved uniquely, because you are one of a kind!

To join this move of the Eternal Kingdom, you must surrender all, and lay all your former desires down, to seek My Father & His will in your life on earth- as it is in heaven.

Watch! Watch closely what I am doing upon the earth, for it is a quick thing that now moves at high speed!

Your ultimate job is to love and stand for mercy, truth, and give witness to My Name in boldness and with passion. They are to see and hear Me, in you- and that is an honor I have bestowed on those who have had ears to hear My call.

Now, it is time- are you hidden in Me?

Y’shua (Jesus)

End of Word / 2:32 PM EST, Indianapolis, Indiana, October 8, 2024.

I, (T. Andrew Farley) give witness and testify that Y’shua (Jesus) came in the flesh; He was sent by The Father, being born of a virgin, and He (Alone) walked the sinless and perfect walk, before giving Himself as a living sacrifice for the atonement of sin. He was the Spotless Passover Lamb, His shed blood, death and resurrection is a love sacrifice. He made or offered the GIFT of salvation, to all who have ears to hear and eyes to see, and believe the gospel. He is THE way, the truth and the life.

Note: This word came or began unexpectedly while I was alone and praying on October 8, 2024. Prior to this, I was searching scriptures and planning a “testimony” on being hidden, as well as scriptural and Spirit led teaching with it- to encourage the body of Christ. So, the “word” above that I didn’t know was coming- is now listed here first and (God willing!) in the very near future, I will share “part 2”.

In the meantime, I’ve prayerfully added scriptures below that are woven into the foundation of this now Word for His people. Please search them out; be good Bereans (Acts 17:11) and see if it is so? Test all things. Please share this Word as you may be led, just leave all copy as is and the scripture references in place. Blessings to all my true brethren.

Scriptures: John 10:10, 1 Peter 2:5, Col. 3:2-4, Ex. 15:13, Psalm 26:8, 2 Corinthians 5:1-4, Matthew 22:14, John 14:15-18, Luke 14:28, John 15:4-5, Ephesians 2:5-7, Ephesians 6:13, Isaiah 60:1-3, Luke 10:2, 2 Cor. 5:18, John 17:11, Prov. 22:3, Prov. 27:12, John 8:59, Acts 8:39-40, 2 Peter 1:11, Romans 2:11-16, Psalm 139:14-18, Psalm 89:14, Psalm 86:15, Nehemiah 4:9, Matt. 22:36-40, Malachi 4:2-3

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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