September 14, 2021
Barbara Francis
Daughter, speak of the day burning like an oven.9 Time moves rapidly while most remain complacent. The day of the LORD approaches. A day burning like an oven, a day of fire, a day of weeping.
The tyrant leader will continue to oppress the people. War is looming in the distance. War is looming in the distance and will make way for the enemy attack.
Prepare for civil unrest and civil war. You will be forced to make a decision. Will you fight for righteousness? Will you stand on the side of the Most High? Will you stand for justice?
A whirlwind of fire approaches. It burns everything in its path. Everything will be made stubble. Sweeping fires across the nations that cannot be extinguished will blaze out of control. I AM THE FIRE.
Go to your prayer closet now and pray you are worthy to escape the cup of wrath.
Luke 21:36
“Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.”
Original Article Can Be Found Here