America Stands In Judgment Today!
Feb 17, 2020
Dawn O’Brien
I am like Debra the Prophetess in the bible. God has given me this gift. All praise, honor and glory to Jesus! She gave advice to the King. God is calling me to advise President Donald Trump. It is time we in America seek the Lord for advice. Hard Days are here!
2-14-20 at 7 am I heard the Holy Spirit say this to me, “There Are Those Coming Beside You!”
Daughter today there are those coming beside you in this FIGHT! I THE Lord am OPENING THEIR EYES TODAY, I hear the Lord say. Many have been blinded all along but TODAY A CHANGE IS COMING IN THE HEAVENLIES, I hear the Lord say. Everything is about to change and no one will be able to say or do anything, says the Lord. This will be MY doing, says the Lord. Tell MY children to SUBMIT TO ME NOW!
THE TIME HAS RUN OUT FOR ALL MY WARNINGS, says the Lord. I have warned the United States and the people through MY spoken prophets. THEY HAVE REFUSED TO LISTEN, says the Lord. Now I will judge the land of Israel and the United States, I hear the Lord say. The United States has made a PACT I hear the Lord say with Israel. Israel is MY land, says the Lord. It shall not be separated with any other nation. That is what you have done, says the Lord. The United States made a ‘Deal of the Century’ with one of their enemies Iran.
You have put MY people in DANGER, says the Lord. You have not helped MY people instead you have hurt them, I hear the Lord say. Because the nation of the United States has brought this evil amongst them I the Lord will judge America.
Prophetess Dawn O’brien
Servant of the Lord
Definition of the word ‘Pact’:
A formal agreement between individuals or parties.
Joel 3:1-2 GOD’S WORD Translation (GW) The LORD Will Rescue His People 3 [a] “In those days and at that time, I will bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem. 2 I will gather all the nations. I will bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat.[b] I will judge them there. They scattered the Israelites, the people who belong to me, among the nations. They divided my land.
2-15-20 at 2:51 AM “I See Armies Surrounding Jerusalem!’ OUT OF KNOW WHERE THIS CAME TO ME!
Then God brought me back to something I heard the Holy Spirit say to me earlier on10-18-19 at 2:50 AM I was up reading e-mails, checking earthquakes and just before I was going to go back to sleep I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, “The Armies Are Surrounding Israel!
Luke 21:20 -When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, you will know that its desolation is near.
Then I heard the word BLOODSHED!”
Something in my spirit is telling me there is going to be a war with Israel and there is going to be BLOODSHED!