America, Judgment, Prophecy

AMERICA HANGS IN THE BALANCE…. the Scales of Justice are Tipping! – Elizabeth Marie

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AMERICA HANGS IN THE BALANCE…. the Scales of Justice are Tipping!

10/15/24 12:34 PM
Elizabeth Marie
Oct 15, 2024

While praying, I received this message from our LORD. Please seek further understand, and confirmation:


Do not let your guard down!

Things are not what they seem, for the enemy lurks in the shadows, waiting for another opportunity to kill, and destroy!

A bullet has been missed, but other attempts still stand!

MY people are being deceived, and drawn into deceptions that are beyond imagination…for they do not see the principalities that lie behind the enemy. 

They do not see the ‘HAMAN SPIRIT’ that is waiting to destroy all that is of GOD.  At this very moment they are plotting for the demise of Christians.  As in the days of Esther, they want total genocide.  Satan reigns behind the scenes to orchestrate a very wicked scheme.

However, through faith, the effective prayer of the saints can stop the plans of the enemy.

“Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. “  James 5:16

Do not become lazy, and laid back during this time.  Do not say,

“Everything will always be as it has always been!’ 

And then continue living your LUKEWARM lives!  If this thought is prevalent among MY Church….and they do not pray, in this hour, and to ask for angelic hosts to come, and intercede…..then America will be lost! 

For America hangs in the balance.  The scales of justice are tipping against her.  Without true repentance, and a new reliance on ALMIGHTY GOD…. all will be lost! 

“TEKEL: You have been weighed in the balances, and found wanting” Daniel 5:27

Judgments have been decreed, and judgments will fall, for the land calls out for JUSTICE…..but there is none to be found!

I call upon MY REMNANT PEOPLE to fall down on your knees, and pray against all the wicked schemes that have been devised behind closed doors, in high places.  The time is now!

Tell MY PEOPLE to prepare for what is coming, and let them pray like never before! 

  • PRAY for the plans of the enemy to be stopped, thwarted, and permanently disabled.
  • PRAY that the traps that have been set to be removed, and destroyed.

MY BELOVEDS, the fight is NOT over….but just beginning!  All that has been kept very secretive, will soon be revealed in real time!

You are just at the beginning of the greatest fight of your life! However, together, and if you have faith, join with ME, as we can push back the dark forces of evil!”  END OF MESSAGE


 “If disaster comes upon us—sword, judgment, pestilence, or famine—we will stand before this temple and in Your presence (for Your name is in this temple), and cry out to You in our affliction, and You will hear and save.’ “  2 Chronicles 20:9


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