America, Church

America and the church have chosen rebellion over righteousness – Ali Winters

Ali Winters

Monday, May 13, 2019

“Bless the LORD, o my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy Name.”
The Book of Psalms, the Book of Praise.

Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. Rebellion drives one to do unspeakable things. Where there is no restraint, rebellion has a firm hold on the citizenry. America and the church have chosen rebellion over righteousness. Morality has slipped away, now the stench of the death of a nation is painfully noticeable to those whose heart and minds are stayed on The LORD.

Church after church seek to minister to the flesh, but not to the spirit. His blessed Holy Spirit has been pushed aside making way for programs that tickle the ears but do not change the heart. Millions have wandered far from the pure Truth of The Word, driven by the cleverly disguised teachings of satan masquerading as religion and righteousness. Our LORD came to seek and safe the lost, to set the captive free not to make sin more palatable or build a foundation on the shifting sands of the world, the flesh and the devil.

What you accept, what you tolerate will become what you believe, what you preach and what you teach to others. Hearts distant from God, forgetting the teaching of the Word will quickly become hearts of stone. Hard and unfeeling the masses will begin to compromise, accepting the ways of the world while ignoring the ways of Truth. Have our hearts and minds stayed on Him or have we drank of the filth and perversion of false teachers, fake faith and a graceless gospel? Sad, grievous days follow those whose heart is far from The Way, The Truth and The Life.

Discernment is lacking. Keep alert. Be aware and pray for eyes to see behind the religious mask.

ali at 10:50 AM


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