Krystal Beall
The end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober and watch unto prayer. What I say to you, I say to all…watch. Behold beloveds I come quickly. I AM not a man that I should lie. I have prepared a place that where I AM ye may be also. Do not be afraid, but believe. Ye shall see my glory. I hear your cries my doves. The cries of the broken, oppressed, supressed and depressed move me in my great love, mercy and compassion. I have walked the path before you. I AM with you, in you and for you. I know your pain and bear it as my own. I have collected your tears in my bottle. I AM able. I will. I have. You are made whole, complete in me. I will give you the desires of your heart and so much more. Your delight in me is balm to my wounds. Your faith is pleasing to me and highly rewarded. All things are possible with me. I speak to America yet again in my love and mercy, I warn. Many of you are deceived. You have fallen into the snare and have been pulled into the world wide web spun so meticulously by the god of this world. I sent no man as a reprive, hear me your nation REJECTED me. I AM deeply hurt by this. My heart pierced. The one whom you believe I sent will be removed. I AM in control. I AM on the throne. Heaven my throne, the earth my footstool. You can not pray away what is to befall. The hour has come. When he falls many shall fall with him. It will be a great crash, a fatal one. I AM not without mercy, for this is an act of my mercy. Many souls will cry out to me when the fall occurs and they find themselves surrounded by fire. I will all men to repent. Come out of this world. I AM the way, the truth and the life. My kingdom is not of this world.Come out from among them, be ye separate, touch no unclean thing and I shall receive you. Be Holy as I AM Holy. Without Holiness no man shall see me. I desire and delight to show mercy. I AM saddened by the condition of man. I AM saddened that I AM no longer sought and revered as in times past. Apathy and lawlessness have taken hold in the root and my garden defiled. The effects of sin are devestating, catastrophic and fatal. Take heart for I have overcome the world and thus you have too. Abide in me, remain. I will never leave you. I will never forsake you. I AM close to the broken hearted and I save those of a contrite spirit. You will lack no good thing. I know many have only tasted bitter. Division and strife have many of my children suffered. Broken homes, broken lives a burning desolate garden, in which I have watered with my tears and cultivated with my blood. To my watchmen, my faithful, my remnant, I know many of you are weary. The suffering you endure for my namesake is great. Many others have lost heart, discouraged. The wait has been long and tiring. Many have become drowsy. Awaken my loves, Awaken. Rise, shine. Much fruit ye have produced. A plentiful harvest ye shall enjoy. With you I AM well pleased. I have answered your prayers and pleas for your lost loved ones. I will heal you. I will restore you. I have. Faith not sight my loves. The hour of my appearing is nigh, lo it is here. The darkness increases and falls upon the earth as a mantle of mourning, a cloak of judgment. Fear not little flock for it is my good pleasure to give you the kingdom. I will all men to taste and see that I the LORD AM good. I walked among you in the flesh. I lived with you, I held you, I laughed with you, I wept with you, and over you. I dined with you, I taught you, I showed you, I concealed, I revealed myself. Above all I loved you all the way to the cross. I have always loved you, with an everlasting love, with loving kindness I have drawn you. Laying down my life, shedding all my blood, pouring myself out. Broken, bruised, grief stricken, crushed. Rejoice it pleased me so. For you are healed my loves. Take, eat, all of you. I will open the eyes of the blind. I will lift the needy, the poor and oppressed will I save. I AM your God and I delight over you with singing. Rise up my joys for your God comes, quickly. The hour of war and transition is now. The winds of the north blow hard removing all defenses. You are exposed America. I weep and bleed that I was rejected on your soil. My passion echoes in America. Sound the alarm. The winds of war ring the chimes. All nations that forget me are turned into hell. I will recompense you in full yet I will delight in showing mercy. My blood was not shed in vain. My love for you is boundless, everlasting. My justice is severe. All that is not of me shall go in the fire in this last hour. I will burn and refine. I will resurrect. I AM sad that you are so deceived and ensnared. Who I set free is free indeed. Ah, sweet release. Look up my longing child for what you have labored for is nigh, lo it is here. Redemption. A wedding feast. I AM faithful.