
ADRIFT – Gary Bertnick


By Gary Bertnick

Adrift in a sea of sad and sorry frustrations

A ship full of desires and expectations dreamed of

Seeking to fulfill the many inner needs

What the soul strives for

Perfection that must be at hand,

But is not here or there, or anywhere

No peace to be found;

Hands and heart reach out

Legs and feet run as fast as possible

But always fall short,

Longing to be better and better, the best

Even severe competition with others, and within your “self”,

The burning need to take hold of a finish line

That always moves away!

Nerves are strained in a turbulent sea

The mind pulses with thoughts as stormy winds

Our brain throbs, aches with stress after stress

The impossible perfection the only reality sought

Yet, plagues as a river roar through.

Human nature seeks perfection as a hunger and thirst

What should be experienced, but is not

Human effort alone always fails

Leaving desperation and depression behind!

Then, a gentle Word is heard at last, kind Words of caring

A surprise Name is spoken in a “still small voice”

Calming touches from another place brings sudden comfort;

A refuge and rest from “self” and this world

This deep ocean that swallows whole, and drowns.

Holy Spirit revelation of a new Life given in Messiah

Yeshua’s reality becomes Light seen in my belief

The only Perfect One to walk the Earth

Who draws us to His side by this Grace in Truth

Then to find our life’s treasure in His Living Words

Our needed perfection shown and given freely

Made known and anchored in Him alone!

Inner Peace, rest and trust live in our heart and soul

Eternal perfection in life through His heavenly Love

As we now walk hand in hand in child-like innocence

Spirit power to fully live in abundance,

We “aim for perfection” through supernatural faith!



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