Act Now
June 4, 2023 4:15 AM
Tuesday, May 9, 2023, 16:15
My precious daughter, I love you. The world will soon be a different place than what you see now, a completely different place.
Many of My children are still unaware of the impending danger, still playing around in the world, chasing after things that will only nourish their flesh and lead them into destruction; completely unaware that only I, Jesus of Nazareth, the Word came in the flesh, Am the source of their life and their only refuge when danger comes.
Storms always rise suddenly on a calm sea, destruction always comes when people speak of peace and safe. Don’t take it lightly that everything seems to be returning to calm, that life seems to be getting back on track, that those old comfortable and beautiful days are back.
But, my children, can you see beneath this apparent calm the storm that is gathering and will soon come tumbling down? Can you feel in this sound of peace and safe the destruction that will soon come to the whole earth, and to all those who live on it?
Those who truly take up their cross daily, deny themselves, and come to follow Me; who deal seriously with the old man , and die to themselves daily; who spend time daily in humility before Me, read My words, talk with Me, listen to Me, and follow My will when they are instructed by it, know.
All these children are born of Me, belong to Me, and will be My warriors raised up in My name in these last days to do what I once did on earth, and to do greater things than what I have done, to gather many, many grains of wheat into My barn and to lead these souls into My kingdom.
Soon I will come with a reward, the reward of these children is great, everything in heaven is ready for their coming, and the angels rejoice and eagerly await the coming of the moment when they will be clothed with glory in the air.
The wedding feast of the Lamb has been prepared, how many of you will be able to enter the wedding feast on your wedding garment?
My children who are still drunk with the world and the pleasures it offers you, it is time for you to wake up and come to repentance while there is still time for you to come to Me! Otherwise, when the storm strikes and destruction comes, only destruction will await you!
Come, My beloved children, act now, pick up My written Word (the Bible), which has been sealed up by you, pat away the dust that has accumulated on it, open it, and ask My Holy Spirit to help you to understand the truth in the Word, the living water of the Word that will make you hunger and thirst no more, and to come to Me, your Lord and Savior, to receive life. For My Word is the Spirit and the life, and I Am your only way, truth, and life to the Father.
Children, when you spend time each day reading My Word, you are spending time each day with Me, for I Am the Word, the Word that came in the flesh; and when you spend time each day being quiet in My presence and listening to Me, you are receiving, as Mary did, the good part that cannot be taken away from you.
Come, My beloved children, come now, the time is short, the time is running out, come quickly and seek Me while there is still time, seek with all your might and you will find; open the door for Me, your Lord and Savior, who is knocking, and I will come in and eat with you.
I desire to have every one of My children to the place I have prepared for you in My Father, so that you may be with Me forever.
I love you, My children, right now, today, right this moment! I Am waiting with open arms to embrace you!
Come, children, the trumpet will soon be blown!
Your Lord and Savior, your King, the King of kings and Lord of lords
Jesus Christ
Shalom and blessings,
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