
About Face Your Life – LynL

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

About Face Your Life

3/13/25 10:16 PM


Turn around, change directions, about face.  Have you wondered what makes some of my children successful in life?  Have you ever wondered why some are never struggling?  These children have the ability to look at a situation and change when things no longer are working in their favor.  They do an about face and find a new path that might give them a new result.  This is not rocket science, but just common sense.  My children need to focus on the problem, to find the solution.

Many changes will start occurring on the Earth.  Earth change, weather patterns, earthquakes, torrential rains and then none, volcanoes, new global currencies, a new worldwide religion, a new totalitarianism government.  All these changes will take thought with ascertaining what direction is the best (for you).  Will I go left, will I go up, will I move, will I stay put?  All these answers can be found and guided by I Am.  Stay close to me, stay rooted in me, commune with me, so I can lead you.  The answers are there, they just must be found.  I will lead you on the correct path which may include an “About Face”.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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