Warning, Civil Unrest, Death, Economic Collapse, Famine, Judgment, Persecution, Word

A Word, A Last Minute Warning – Steve Holmes

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A Word, A Last Minute Warning

9/8/24 5:22 PM
Steve Holmes

You are not going to like what is coming in the very near term, and you are not going to like this post if you are lucky enough to see it. God said to me last night and this morning (Sept 8) for 3 hours, and none of what he said was “good news.” It was horrible. He started by saying that bereavement is coming. It will affect many- millions. It will be followed up by overwhelming feelings of injustice, unrighteousness and unfairness that you won’t believe in advance. Then there was LOTS more: the details are far more than I can recall as specifics to type out, and all I can say is this: you better be hidden in Christ and you better not do anything he doesn’t specifically direct you to do, and if he does give you something to do, do it like your life depends upon it.

Life is going to become very difficult and dangerous in America, and for many, impossible. Our financial system is about to splatter like humpty dumpty, which is the “deadly wound” to the “7th head of the beast” of the present world order. The result will be that our currency will not be worth the paper it’s printed on. Savings and assets will crash to nothing. Social security will be flat broke. Continued inflation won’t work and hyperinflation will make other nations refuse to accept the dollar.

Race rioting is going to start because many are brainwashed to believe they are and always have been slaves. Government authoritarian crackdowns against anyone who protests or complains about anything about the government will be swift, violent, unmerciful, unjust, and often deadly.

Tyranny and fascism (government corporatism) will seize power over the people. Basic human and constitutional rights will be permanently suspended, people will be treated like slaves by employers, control of the masses will become paramount to the government at every level, local, state and federal, etc. The judicial system will meet the definition of “Kangaroo Court” that is filled with bribes and corruption, with decisions made in favor of the highest bidder. He warned to stay OUT of discussion of all political issues completely: don’t even discuss with your neighbors and no longer mention it online. It is too late for politics to fix anything. Politics infers discussion, negotiation and reasonable compromise. However, there shall no longer be a two party system of checks and balances, but a “uniparty” system of taxation, graft, embezzlement and control. People won’t run for office to serve the people but to serve themselves, and the lesser of evils will be “voted in” when the votes are actually counted. People will buy their way into office without any regard for constituents.

Starvation will become commonplace throughout America, as food supply infrastructure utterly collapses as has been planned. There will NOT be enough food to feed everyone, and “peaceful starvation” will NOT be the result.

Lawlessness, vigilante “justice,” and violent gangs will rule the streets. US and foreign military forces will be used to control the crowds and population, enforcing frequent curfews and lockdowns at gunpoint. Emergency 911 services, including police, fire and EMS won’t respond to calls, especially at night, due to violence and zero funding. Hospitals won’t be operational, emergency rooms will be unstaffed, clinics shut down, medications unavailable for months at a time.

Overwhelming, constant emotions of extreme, unrelenting fustration, hopelessness, despair and anger will be everywhere, off the charts with no relief for the foreseeable future. Liars and swindlers will be constantly trying to rip off anyone they can. He said life is going to become so hard that many will wish they were dead. Utterly horrific if not impossible 3rd world living conditions will prevail very soon, and the picture I saw was like Haiti. People will sell their children because they won’t be able to feed them.

In 43 years of walking with God, decades as his servant, a prophet, privy to many horrific judgments and warnings, I have NEVER heard anything so utterly horrible and devastating. But he said it has to happen to separate the wheat from the tares, and it is the path that the USA chose. It has to be made absolutely clear who is submitted and committed to him no matter the cost, versus the fakes, flakes, pretenders and Laodicean vomit quitters who won’t even repent in the tribulation.

Folks, I don’t make this stuff up. I hear it directly from Yahweh/Jesus, the one who is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, just, merciful, righteous and holy. He said if it were not for his plans to use me into the future, he would spare me all of this and take me home right now. Last week he told me he has had to work me past the point of dropping dead many times and will continue to do so many more times in the future because there is much that must be accomplished and “the harvest is great but the laborers are few.” The exhaustion is nearly unbearable at those times.

People, wake up, grow up, and become an obedient son/daughter of God because I will tell you the absolute truth: you have zero hope in anything or anyone else. The shaking and birthpangs of the visible church to deliver the empowered Philadelphia church “manchild” saints and sons of God begins. You who are lukewarm are going to find yourselves repenting and getting ready for the rapture, or being martryed before or during the tribulation, or God forbid, turning from Jesus and going to hell. Those are your options- God’s options. Take them seriously and choose wisely for eternity.

And so it begins. The train has left the station, is barreling down the tracks at wide open throttle, and the bridge to “Peace and safety” is washed out. The train wreck is inevitable and imminent, and America is done as a nation. What comes after will be the 8th head, which is antichrist in nature. And somewhere in the midst of all of this comes the total destruction of America that is clearly detailed in Revelation 18.

May God grant us all his peace and protection, hope and the fortitude to endure until the end. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.


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