April 21, 2022 1:46 AM
Brother Moses
April 21,2022
As one whom his mother comforts,so will I comfort you. Isaiah 66:13
Words from the Lord.
I am the only true God and beside me there is no other. I made all things for My own pleasure. All things both visible and invisible are under My command and control. I am the almighty God. I love and care for My creation. I the Lord comfort the broken hearted, for I am the great comforter.
A time of great distress and trouble is coming upon the whole earth. Many will live in fear and great trembling will take hold of many as they behold the great judgment of God upon the nations. There will be great scarcity of food and lots of stores will be empty.
I the Lord will not forsake My children these time of trouble that is coming upon the earth before My arrival. I will aboundantly provide for My children who trust in Me. I will comfort them in their distress and tribulations. As the price of goods increase so will My blessings and provisions increase in the life of My children.
Many nations will persecute many of My children for their refuse to follow their laid out evil system. My children do not follow the way of the multitudes. Those things which bare highly esteemed by man is an abomination unto Me. In your of tribulation I will be with you and will give you aboundant grace to stand strong unto the end.
Know that the way to My kingdom is very narrow and through great tribulation shall you enter My kingom. I did not promise an easy journey but a glorious ending. I am and will always be with you as you walk through the wilderness of this world to your glorious and everlasting home.
Exodus 15:11
Genesis 17:1
Revelation 4:11
Psalm 148:1-12
Psalm 94:19
John 14:18
Luke 13:23-29
Luke 16:15
Acts 14:22
2Timothy 3:12.
Brother Moses.