March 14, 2022 1:20 PM
Lynne Johnson
Word (2nd) message received February 20th, 2021 at 1:14 AM
My Children, you are about to face a time of darkness. This will be of great trouble and persecution. I AM wants you to know that IAM with you through it all. Understand that this time must happen in order for those not awake to finally understand the time that they are living in. Judgments must also fall in order to bring this about. The wickedness, the evil must be cleansed from this earth. No evil is permitted in MY Kingdom of Glory. NO EVIL! MY Word must be fulfilled as written in order for this cleansing to occur. This will be hard for many to face; they will not understand most of what is going to transpire on earth. A time of darkness, pain and anguish for many as events play out. The Beast system is here and it will stay until I AM comes back to end this age with MY Warriors and Saints. You must understand this and be ready for these events to unfold. MY Warriors of Faith are aware of this and will not be deceived. They will be protected during this time but life will not be easy. Many people will be taken through the disasters that will be coming. This has also been described in MY Word. Many different events will occur in various places in the world. The enemy will continue his relentless pursuit of destroying mankind.
Make no mistake, the vaccine is part of this plan. Sadly, many people will succumb to the belief that they must take this vaccine in order to survive. I AM here to tell you that this will not end well for them. You lose your soul and you will not know ME anymore. And that is just the beginning as the issues of side effects become very apparent to all. Those who take this vaccine and ultimately the mark willingly have made their eternal choice. THERE IS NO GOING BACK. It is final. Those who take it will suffer eternal torment, regretting their choice throughout eternity. Do you want this? Make your choice now. You may have some hard times now but they will be soon over and you will be with ME FOREVER in great happiness and joy. Or you will be in great torment for eternity. Which will be your choice? Choose wisely, My Children as this is the most important decision you ever make. Come to ME and I will strengthen you, I AM will be with you in this time and I AM will not leave you. You must come to ME in prayer and repentance so that I AM can help you. You will be able to withstand what is coming if you do so. If you do not come to ME, then you will fall. You will not be able to withstand the pressure that will be placed on you. Think carefully about your choice. One way looks easy but ends in eternal torment. The other way is hard at first, but will end in unimaginable joy for eternity. I say again, choose wisely.
Your King Yeshua, Your Redeemer, Your Messiah
Revelation 3:20 NKJV
“Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears MY voice and opens the door I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with ME.”
Revelation 3:10 NKJV
“Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole earth, to test those who dwell on the earth.”
Amos 5:14 NKJV
“Seek good and not evil, that you may live; so the Lord God of Hosts will be with you.”
Zechariah 14:5 NKJV
“Thus the Lord my God will come, and all the saints with You.”