America, Judgment, Prophecy

A NEW KING – Karen Newberry

Photos courtesy Pixabay


July 19, 2024 9:46 AM
Karen Newberry

Received 7/18/2024 at 8am in the morning

A new king arises for revelation 13 is ready, a time of fulfillment, a time of torment
I seek for none to perish, but my people many have forgotten their first love, many have waxed cold on my coming, many do not seek the kingdom of God
Have I not said many will perish for lack of knowledge
Havoc is coming upon the lands I have warned of this for years. The beast is here open your eyes spiritually, and you will see him.
He awaits in the shadows your king of today will be no more, but a new one will arise. Stay in my word while it’s still here for the days ahead will be dark for a nation that once soared upon the backs of eagles, for the abominations are great in the land I will pluck each feather off the eagle until it can fly no more. The great harlot of revelation will fall, do not drink of her fornications My people she has been weighed and has been found wanting, come out of her My people for my mercy is great, but my judgment comes to this wicked nation. She sits upon the dragon and laughs, but woe to anyone that mocks the Lord thy God for hail and brimstone will fall, repent my people!! repent now darkness accents the horizon not much time left, famine of My word will be in the land ,scares food, daughter speak of these things.

Please pray about these things and go to the Lord Jesus Christ! God bless

Here is the link to my YouTube channel


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