A Lesson for the Nations
12/20/24 1:02 PM
Solitary Man
Oh Canada! How far you have fallen! You, who were blessed over and above many nations, you who were given every advantage, how you have rejected me!
Your sin is not that you have decided to wholeheartedly fight for the enemy. No, your sin is how you did not consider it worthy of your time to fight for me. When the wicked came and suggested that you allow it to take root and grow in your land, you put up little fuss. As it demanded more and more, you pretended not to notice.
You were too busy. Too busy with all your entertainments. Too busy with your drinking. With your sports. With your movies and your games. Too busy dreaming about retirement. Too busy planning that next cruise. Purchasing that time share. Too busy out on the golf course, the theatre, the playground. Too preoccupied with your careers and your pensions. Too busy building that house, buying that car, or two, or three.
All these I would have freely given you, if you had simply chosen to stay humble and devoted to me. But no, you wanted all those things today. You wanted it all, apart from me. The enemy saw how carelessly you lived. How righteousness and truth mattered so little to you. So, without a shot being fired, the enemy came and took your land. He walked in not by stealth, not covertly, but openly. He waltzed right in and took whatever he desired.
Is this not to your everlasting shame? Do you think cowardice, in the name of prudence and self preservation, is a thing of no importance? Do you not yet know and perceive what you have done to yourselves?
Canada, your nation is fallen. All good things are being removed right in front of your eyes. You may weep and wail, but I will not hear you. My church knows no true repentance. They have lost their way. As with Esau, and as with king Saul, they sought reconciliation with me and could not find it.
Know you not that you are utterly destroyed? You have been made a laughingstock in the eyes of the world. Your leadership has degraded the nation. You voted for this abomination, not once, not twice, but three times. I gave you over to the lusts and delusions of your heart, so now eat your fill of disgrace! At one time you were clothed in riches and honor and respect. Now you are clothed with shame and revulsion. You think that next time, we will select someone else. Someone that will save us. Yet you will select someone who has no regard for me, or for my laws. Someone who will not stand up for righteousness. You will pat yourselves on the back, saying what a costly price we have paid, and what a lesson we have learned. Yet you have learned nothing. A nation without the law of God as its foundation is no nation at all. Especially one with the knowledge of God that you once had. As with a person, so it is with a nation. One who had once put their hand to the plow, and looked back, is not fit for my kingdom. Repentance can fix that. But trying to change course without true repentance avails nothing.
Oh Canada, you have become the murder capital of the world. You shed blood like a thirsty man drinks water. You have been given a time and a space to repent, and you do not. Your fear and your clinging to what you have left will be your undoing. What you fear will now come upon you. I had plans for you to restore and recover what the enemy had stolen. But you would not come to me in truth and humility. So be it. Since you reject my law wholeheartedly, I pronounce the curse of the law upon you.
You shall continue to diminish, and not grow. You shall continue to lose the light of my gospel. Your churches will shut. Your witness will dim. All that you hold dear will be taken away. Your children are lost. Your possessions are being stolen. Your health has been compromised. What more shall I do unto you? What fresh calamity shall I send before you truly abandon the worship of self and come back to me?
America, you have made a partial step back toward me. Look no further than to Canada. I have set them up as an example of what happens to a nation that truly forgets God. This fate is still an option for you America, unless you watch and learn and take it to heart to continue to turn back to me.
Do not stop seeking me, once the pressure eases. Do not be deceived as in previous times. No nation on this planet shall survive unless the repentance offered is total and complete. The time for blemished sacrifices is now over. It is time for the return of the King. All things must be made ready.
Do not be caught without your wedding garment. The wedding feast is being prepared. Only those in proper attire will be allowed into the feast. Whether an individual or a nation, what I say to you, I say to all, make ready, for the King is coming soon.
Solitary Man
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