9/27/24 3:46 AM
Sammy Omosh
After mid this month, this word was in my spirit continuously – “The next six months beginning October 2024 to end of March 2025 will be a high watch period for the bride of Christ. This word gave me no sense of peace at the time so I remained restless wanting to inquire more. At first I thought it was a personal thought. Last Saturday, I went through some personal devotion but the restlessness was still lingering in my spirit. Then come Sunday night when I was still before the Lord very late at night precisely at 2.00 am, I was directed to write it down and the restlessness lifted off immediately.
On 25th September 2024, I did a final “Gedion fleece test” by asking the father to confirm this word. I received the following three dreams back to back. Let me summarize them with titles :-
1. Doing rescue mission.
2. Preparation needed for upcoming assignment.
3. * There was an acute shortage of water everywhere. Water was becoming valuable and a very important commodity that had an element of scarcity. I went to shower but there was no drop of water. Thousands and thousands were waiting for water which was not forth coming. Others went to church for spiritual solace and I saw them singing and I could pick up the word “Jerusalem” in their singing and the dream ended at 5.22 am.
In March 2022, in yet another vision I saw schools in my country closing for holiday and before they were opened for the new term, the Transformation of the bride had happened suddenly!
I believe the countdown to the D-day has already begun and will culminate with many prophecies being finally fulfilled. In the message I wrote in March 2024, “ The countdown will begin, April 8th onwards was highlighted. This could have marked the beginning of this countdown.
We are to be more devoted to the most high God and be in a state of constant repentance as never before. The next six months that is October, November, December, January, February and March 2025 will be significant and important time for all of us.
*The day of preparation came just before the resurrection Sunday*.
Matthew 27:62( a day of evil gathering to abort the purposes of God .)
Mark 15:42 The day of preparation came just a day before the sabbath.
Luke 23:54 It was the day of preparation and the sabbath was beginning.
John 19:31 (In this season of preparation, we should get rid of anything not accepted).
John 19:42 (It was a jewish high end holiday just of equal importance like the sabbath. Because of this holiday Jesus body was laid on the closed tomb to avoid any breach of this revered custom.)
Shalom brethren.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos