A great storm is coming
October 25, 2022 8:53 AM
I want to say that I got this on October 15, but I think I marked it in the Jewish calendar (Which I mark most of my dates in, though I’m Christian) as the 21 of Tishri, because it was after sunset.
Ruach Elohim, that is, the Holy Spirit, said this to me:
“A great storm is coming unlike one My people have seen before.
“As this world practices their paganistic, evil holiday, you, My children, will be fighting against the rulers of this world, the powers of darkness.
“You must stand strong against the evils of this world or they will overtake you, and you will become a part of them.
“A great war has been waged against My children, to deter them from My path, the straight and narrow.
“But do not be afraid. Do not stray from this path as sheep stray from a pasture. Follow Me and stay on the straight and narrow. Take up the sword of the Spirit, the shield of faith. I Myself will give you strength.
“As the Day of the Lord gets closer, so will the battle increase in ferocity and power.
“One day, very soon, the antichrist himself will take over, and you, My people, will have to fight against the spiritual and fleshly armies.
“I have won.
“Fear not.
“I am coming.
“Stand strong, My people.”
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