A darkness allowed by me
January 31, 2022
Krystal Beall
January 31, 2022
Deep and most terrible darkness descends upon the earth. A darkness allowed by me. A dark and most angry cloud. A cloud of wrath and sorrow. My wrath. My sorrow. I mourn. I grieve. I AM angry. The whole earth shall reel to and fro from my anger. Blind and deaf generation. How wounded and offended I AM without cease. How far you are oh man from me. I suffer helacious levels out of my love for you. I have given my life. My all. I receive so very little in return. How this grieves and angers me. You know not how far you are in the unfolding of all things. This is the end. The end of all things. The end has come upon the earth. This is the last hour. Man knows not the written and unrevealed parts of my life. What is written has come to pass. So few, so very few understand or care to know. I weep and bleed. This mighty man of war weeps and bleeds with a sword of fire and blood. I have drawn my sword. Flaming fire and blood soaked. Vengance is mine. I will repay. I have warned America over and over and over. Repent. Repent. Repent. Oh harlot house of disease. House of rebellion. House of my friends whom have rejected me, now my foes. Pray not for this nation. I hear not the prayers. I answer not. I AM ANGRY. The dragon is WROTH. Hurled down. The battle rages. Great is the blood shed. Great is the cries. Great is the pain. Are you blind to the hour still? Are you still asleep? Awaken. I hurt and travail as a woman in labor. Treading the winepress of my fury. The ring of fire. The crowning. To all whom love me and have been awaiting my arrival. Longing to behold my face… Rejoice. The hour is now. Look up. Clouds of darkness. Deep darkness. Fire and of Glory. Resurrection. Wedding banquet. A Kings feast. The house of the LORD. My house. Home. My garden restored. A people unto myself. I AM so grieved I was rejected a second time. My pain is as a blade through me, I weep and mourn tears of anguish turned fire and wrath. Vengance. You took from me my most precious fruit. I will take back my spoil of it all. I have given to such an ungrateful people. The hour of war. Of transition. Of GLORY. It is finished. I AM hurt by it all. Severely wounded. Healed in my wounds. All things new. I AM sad I was rejected. How sad I truly AM. All things new.. come now. I will show you what I had veiled. I have always loved you. Rebuke. Correction. Come now my little flock. It is my good pleasure to give you the kingdom. All I have is yours. River of life. Crystal clear. Mercy. Eternal life. My house. Come friends. Enter now. Stay.
Original Article Can Be Found Here