A Cataclysmic Time
March 12, 2023
Patti Young
I begin to hear the voice of God speak to me after I was prayed over by some beloved sisters in Christ today, those who truly know the heart of the Father.
The Lord began to say
“It is a cataclysmic time upon the earth, the battle between the flesh and the spirit is great warfare.
The waters are still muddy in the few, my beloveds. As I your Father am Holy, so you too must be spotless without blemish, a pure bride holy unto me. My coming is drawing near and the battle rages between the two kingdom forces.
Let them war I say, for my kingdom comes, and my will shall be done in the earth as it is in my heavens, for I rule above and over all.
Think it not strange the tearing away, the tearing down of the flesh the old man, the old nature, for yet the NEW MAN is to rise up in the earth.
These shall do greater works than when I walked upon the earth as the Son of Man.
Many, I tell you, many do not know me nor do they know of my ways, for my ways are not man’s ways for I am a Spirit and those who worship me must worship me in Spirit and in Truth, for flesh has no part in me.
Complacency is upon the land, the churches built by the hands of men, the buildings made by man draw only to entertain and they revel in their joy as a child who glees when he is entertained by a circus. These are not of me.
The hour of tribulation is near and will be used by me to bring in many of the lost, the unrighteous who know me not, and to shake the lukewarm who say they know me.
Greater love has no man than to lay down his life for the saving of many, I AM the one who gave my life for the redemption of all mankind. I say unto mankind, consider the day and the hour you are living in. Consider the hereafter, eternity, for life goes on forevermore after the dust has been laid into the ground.
I call unto many to repent, come, and follow after me for I am the Good Shepherd who has laid down my life. Receive me when I knock at the door to your heart, let me enter in and bring unto you Life, life that is everlasting.”
We have to be 100% purified inside or he can’t enter in fully inhabit us, we are his living temples, his dwelling place, his church, his bride.
The Bride must be refined and purged and cleansed enough so there would no longer be muddy water in her but clear clean water so that the crystal clear pure Living water can flow through her. We are his living stones, his bride, his church and he is the Chief cornerstone
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