Dream, Earthquake

9.1 Cascadia Quake Imminent – Vici from SoCal

Map showing the location of the Cascadia subduction zone. (Image credit: Federal Emergency Management Agency)

9.1 Cascadia Quake Imminent

July 16, 2024 12:45 PM
Vici from SoCal

Hi 444Prophecy Readers

I’m Vici from SoCal, and last night, I had a dream about the imminence of the Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake.

In this dream, I saw there was a pacific hurricane, just south of California & west of Baja California, with a name starting with the letter “B.”
I was not given the precise timing of this, besides the first letter of the storm’s name.

As this storm was moving north, I felt an alignment with the Washington State area.
I believe this indicated that something will happen in the Pacific Northwest area at the same time of Cyclone “B” occurrence.

I intrinsically knew that the major Cascadia quake was about to happen.
As cyclone was moving, I saw an island on the Puget Sound, and then I saw the USGS Earthquake Monitoring System show 6.0 magnitude quakes, and then a major 9.1 Magnitude earthquake struck off Washington/Oregon’s coast.
I also knew a huge tsunami was radiating out from the megathrust fault region.

I was very frightened & knew this is extremely imminent in the real world.

Some insight – The first pacific cyclone already happened this month, named Cyclone Aletta. Cyclone Bud is next.

Be prepared & ready.
May God lead you & keep you protected.
Thank you.


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