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For those who missed PART ONE, you can read it here:


The LORD is calling HIS people to set up small, end-time, home groups….in preparation for what is coming! Many of these will actually pre-cursors to PLACES OF REFUGE.

This is an END-TIME, NEW DIRECTION, and ASSIGNMENT that I was given during the summer of 2023. I was shown that many of the SAFE HAVENS did not happen, or thrive, because they had not first started with a SPIRITUAL CORE of believers. In other words, it was important to, FIRST, establish a a group that came together and functioned as a church. This would provide a solid foundation for growth and expansion. From there, people’s needs would start being met through the BODY using their spiritual gifts.

The allegory picture that the LORD showed me was that of throwing a STONE into a LAKE— which produces circular ripples of tiny waves. The ‘CENTER OF THE RIPPLE’ is to be the CORE GROUP, who are the main facilitators with the vision of starting a SMALL HOME CHURCH. Then the SECOND WAVE RIPPLE TIER, are those who come a bit later— but have strong skills, and gifts to help forge the growth of the small group. The THIRD WAVE RIPPLE TIER are those who are in need of help, and care from this NEW SMALL CHURCH GATHERING.


I was also shown that the numbers will be small at first, but that HE will multiply them, supernaturally, as time goes on. So PRAY for the LORD to lead at least one other person, who has the same vision or passion as you…….for it only takes TWO to start a small group:

“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20


I was led to start studying about how the EARLY CHURCH functioned….and I believe that this is the MODEL that the LORD is leading people into in these LAST DAYS

Here are some main attributes that I noticed:

1) In the Early Church, they met in homes, and didn’t necessarily have a leader….because all the believers participated in some way or the other. There is no need for a PRIEST/PASTOR….for, in JESUS CHRIST, all true believers in are PRIESTS!

“you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a HOLY PRIESTHOOD, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 1Peter 2:5

There were ‘facilitators’ became the ‘ELDERS’….or those who were ‘mature in the LORD,‘ who advised, guided and helped the small group church.

3) During the meeting together, the format was fellowship, sharing the WORD, worship, prayer, and some teaching. (not necessarily in that order!) Everyone was given the chance to share and participate. (Acts 2:42)

4) They shared meals together, including the LORD’s supper. (Acts 2:42)

5) Signs and miracles occurred in their groups. (Acts 2:43)

6) They sought JESUS’ presence within their group.

7) The gifts of SPIRIT were encouraged. (1 Peter 4:10)

8) They knew that the TEMPLE of GOD resided in them, and not the FOUR WALLS of a building. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

9) Each believer was encouraged to BEAR FRUIT that would remain. (John 15:16)

FOR MORE INFO ON the Early Church, and starting Home Groups:

VIDEO SERIESHouse Church: Part One

BOOKS‘The Untold Story of the New Testament Church’ by Frank Viola ‘Finding Organic Church’ by Frank Viola


An excellent place to start BUILDING a STRONG FOUNDATION is with your family, or family member!

This is how I, also, started…..every Friday night or Saturday morning, with singing, worshiping, then having communion, followed with Scripture reading and prayer.

“What then shall we say, brothers and sisters? When you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Everything must be done so that the church may be built up”  1 Corinthians 14:26

During prayer, we continue to ask for ‘DIVINE’ appointments, contacts, and relationships to come our way….either through friends, co-workers, relatives, or people next door….etc.


Ask the LORD to bring you people that see things similarly to you spiritually…especially at the beginning! This will help further a solid foundation on which to build on! Your small group is to be a place where you can share openly, and freely… free of judgment, opposition, or criticism.

This does not mean that you will agree on all things…..but that there is a SPIRIT OF LOVE, AND COOPERATION, that is present in your meetings!

PRAY and ask the LORD to lead these kind of people your way, so that you can learn from one another…..for IRON sharpens IRON!


The LORD does not, often, just come, and immediately put us into a GREAT works for HIM! Instead, HE usually starts with SMALL BEGINNINGS….to test us, and see if we pass, so we can then go to the next level with HIM.

This is a lesson that I myself have been learning…..and it not an easy one! We are always looking for the BIGGEST…. or the BEST…. right away! However, I don’t believe that is how it works in HIS KINGDOM. We have to first be faithful in the little things, then HE will entrust us with more!

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.” Luke 16:10 (NTL)

I believe that this principle is also with the HOME CHURCHES……starting small, and then staying faithful!! Even if it is just starts with ONE OTHER PERSON….it is still powerful, and effective….and, I believe, pleasing in the LORD’s eyes!

IF just ONE PERSON can make such a big difference in the KINGDOM….think about what 2 can do…..then think of a small group….and finally the ARMY BRIDE coming together in unison! That is a beautiful picture, and an ultimate goal…..UNITY in the BODY!!!


There are so many that have left the church, in recent years…. and have NO WHERE To GO….especially since the lock-downs. Many people never went back to the BOX CHURCHES, because they saw that it didn’t meet the needs in their lives. Some the LORD has lead away because of their Jezebel tendencies, lukewarmness, and worldly ways. These people are now part of the ‘DE-CHURCHED!!!’

Out of OBEDIENCE, many have ‘come out of Babylon’ …..the apostate church, and they now CANNOT find fellowship, good teaching, or meaningful worship!  You may be that answer that they are looking for!


The LORD continues to be showing me about the 5 FOLD MINISTRY from Ephesians 4, as well as the GIFTS of the SPIRIT.

We are called to be ONE BODY, with JESUS as our head! Each one of us has a function within HIS body! Some are called, symbolically, to be fingers, other toes, others arms or feet! However, when put all together, we become a WHOLE BODY…..this IS the purpose of the Church!!

Once we are ‘KNITTED’ together, we will start seeing the POWER OF JESUS coming through us to:


I truly believe that this is the heart of JESUS! HE has called us, in these Last Days, to do ‘even more than what we can think or imagine!’ HE also said that we would be doing GREATER WORKS than when HE on earth.

The time is coming to see this start MANIFESTING among HIS true believers, and anointed ones!


I believe another reason that the LORD is calling HIS people into a ‘NEW KIND OF CHURCH,’ for this day, and time, is to HELP PREPARE THE BRIDE!! We are living in the LAST DAYS, and as the believers in JESUS CHRIST, we must GET READY FOR HIS COMING! This is something that FEW of the churches are doing on a regular basis.

This means that we are to encourage each other, through repentance, exhortation, studying the WORD, prayer, and worship.  This is what it looks like for the BRIDE to get ready!

“not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25

‘We must encourage others to have OIL in our LAMPS, so that we will be ready for the BRIDEGROOM, who comes, and takes the BRIDE to the MARRIAGE FEAST OF THE LAMB!

“Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.” (Revelation 19:7)

Here is an article I wrote years about getting the BRIDE ready:



The LORD showed me, through Scripture, some characteristics for these SMALL CHURCH GROUPS:

  • The 5 FOLD MINISTRY in operation.
  • No longer being children tossed to and fro, being carried about with every wind of doctrine, trickery of men, cunning craftiness, deceitful plotting
  • Speaking the truth in love
  • Growing in all things (spiritually)
  • Being joined, knit together according to the working of every body part
  • Edifying one another in love 
  • Coming into the unity of faith
  • Coming into the Knowledge of JESUS
  • Becoming Mature in the LORD
  • Attaining the fullness of CHRIST
  • (Ephesians 4:14-16; Ephesians 4:13)

MESSAGE: (12/26/23)

“I will hear the cries of MY people…those who I know on a FIRST NAME basis! I will lead them to safe valleys, and “Goshen” towns. Those who hear MY voice, will be instructed at the appointed time.

Wait upon Me, and do not more forward…. unless you hear clear instruction, and direction. For I will show you the way, when there seems to be no way!”

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.
When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned,
Nor shall the flame scorch you.”
“Do not remember the former things,
Nor consider the things of old.
Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:2;14-18


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