11/20/24 12:07 AM
God’s End Time Messenger
REVIVAL and Judgment is coming when the sons of God are soon to be birthed out of the 3 Days Of Darkness.
This is a Collection of articles and visions that the Lord gave me over the years. In the process of organizing 25 years of work. Take this to the Lord in prayer. Jesus is coming back for a Bride that has made herself ready. Through the ministry of the Firstfruits company who will be the manifestation of Jesus in the flesh. Who will usher in this last move of God? The coming of Jesus is not understood by most believers. Jesus is coming back within the man child ministry of Rev. 12:5. Who will usher in the Kingdom of God. The Church is not going anywhere in her lukewarm state. And the voice of the Bridegroom is about to be heard in the land as the manifestation of the sons of God takes place. You can take this to the Lord. The Church will be here for the world to be deceived by the false Christ. The final test to endure until the end.
I’m also working on a 2nd Booklet entitled the TRUMPET TRACT. an 225 page document of Prophetic Voices concerning the Coming JUDGMENT UPON THE WEST COAST. To take place following God’s judgment upon the EAST COAST.
The choice will be yours to believe on the man upon his revealing. Or to secure your livelihood until Jesus returns after the 1st resurrection. The Church has been lied to because the leadership does not have the Revelation of Jesus Christ. The shepherds are blind and dumb as they were in the time that Jesus revealed himself in Jerusalem two thousand years ago.
The blood is off my hands. God cannot hold me accountable for not warning the wicked or his own people of what is about to take place.
Sincerely God’s End Time Messenger
Photos courtesy Depositphotos