Fallen Angels, Persecution, The Mark, Word

3 Words from God – Patrick Brian Oxley

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

3 Words from God

10/22/24 8:41 PM
Patrick Brian Oxley

I have three separate words from God

Word 1.
The Seven thunders are not what you expect

Yea, I confess Jesus Christ is come in the flesh (1 John 4:1-3). Jesus Christ died on the cross, was buried and descended into hell (Psalms 16:10) and on the third day rose again from the grave; and is seated forevermore: at the right hand of the Father.

Generation of mankind,

Soon, oh so very soon the King of Kings and Lord of Lords shall appear (Revelation 19:16)! This is joyous news indeed, for the era of sin shall be a thing of the distant past.

However, this is not how you will be expecting it (1 Corinthians 1:27-31), for what may I ask is the weakest thing in the world?

Do you not know my ways are not your ways and my thoughts not your thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9)?

Lucifer your adversary, was a skilled musician (Ezekiel 28:13-19), and many of you have been corrupted by music; as music was made originally to bring me יהָוֹּה glory (Romans 11:36): Satan has twisted it to bring himself the glory.

But watch as I turn it around and use it for good, for I am more than capable of doing so, Hallelujah!

As I created music, and the cherub Lucifer is a musician, I decided I will be bringing the fight right to his doorstep; with the very thing that he was originally called and chosen to do: play and direct music for he was the Chief Musician of the Heavenly Choir.

Why do I tell you this?

Have you not read that I do nothing without telling the Prophets (Amos 3:7).

The seven thunders approach (Revelation 10)…

Speaking of Revelation, remember to be very careful, as there is a very dire warning contained within (Revelation 22:18-19)


As Noah witnessed my wrath on the earth all those generations ago, so shall this generation experience my wroth wrath, just like back then you shall be safe from harm; as I the LORD God Almighty change not (Malachi 3:6): there will be means of escape even if the land is on fire.

Remember the three in the fiery furnace?

Were they harmed?

Word 2.
Dearest Generation,

Yea, I confess Jesus Christ is come in the flesh (1 John 4:2)

I come to you with a heavy heart, so many will be lost in the time to come for it is upon you sooner then you think, for this IS the last generation before the KING comes; do you not see the signs: can you not comprehend the news articles?

How do you expect to hear of wars and rumors of wars if no one told you, the signs are all around and about you, yet just as the Son of God said many generations ago; in the Scriptures of Truth in Matthew 16:

Matthew 16:3-4
[3]And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?
[4]A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.

The sign of the Prophet Jonas has been given.

Genesis 1:14
[14]And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

Psalms 104:19
[19]He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down.

Check where the blood moon in April 2024 and 2017 was. Where did it pass through?

The Deception had been in the works on the masses for years!

Aliens are fallen angels.

Dearest Final Generation,

The spirit and the bride say come. Do you know what this means? If you do not you are in for a RUDE AWAKENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These days are WORSE than the days of Noah, as such you know the End Times are upon you, read my word!

What does my word say?

Is good now evil, and evil now good?

No matter how horrible these times are, don’t ever forget, that I love you; but I must be forthright with you: the days grow ever darker.

Soon you will be hunted and killed for sport, remember to remain strong in the faith, and do not take the mark of the beast; for it comes sooner then you realize my children: I will not allow any who take this mark IN your right hand or IN your forehead into my kingdom!

Yea, I confess Jesus Christ is come in the flesh.

1 John 4:2
[2]Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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