Dream, Obama

3 Fold Dreams – Sammy Omosh

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

3 Fold Dreams

10/9/24 8:53 AM
Sammy Omosh

1.A few months ago,i found myself travelling in a bus in a first world country,Outside i saw many many many black people [thousands upon thousands] carrying luggages as if Exiting from that Country.i don,t know whether they were to use air,water,rail or road as their means of transport.It will be a wave of movement not seen in the History of that Country.Well Events of this nature will certainly be given global media coverage.Political storm,Economic turmoil,Wars,and Calamities may be catalyst of the upcoming Event.

2.On 6/10/24 in a dream of the night,iam made aware in my spirit that B.H.O Desperate ly wants to make a Comeback as America,s leader.The man never left office perse Eight years ago.Whether America elects Trump or Kamala is immaterial.Watch in the time to come after the November Elections what will be next..i have known thro’ past dreams that he is lurking around the White House.On Christmas morning 2014 it was revealed to me by the Lord who this Man truly is!i saw him doing a ritual ”wearing his birthday suit”.i woke up almost shouting ”what!”[a very dark thing i have ever seen of a man of that calibre.]Many of your leaders worldwide are very evil people,they have just conceal who they are.Very few Leaders are exceptional.

3.On 8/10/24 i see a Leader of a Country or Corporate Entity ‘hanging his boots’ or rather Resigning.i can see he is white and he is addressing the media on his Departure,He then instructs his Bodyguards to carry his Stuff to the waiting Car{s}.My perception tells me he left voluntarily.                                                                               ***When B.H.O was Elected to office for the very first time,i still remember a man proclaiming loudly-”Haya[Hey]the Man fits the bill,he is the A/C”!Please pray about Dream 1 that you will be guided and instructed ahead of that time by the Lord,Many at times people act on impulse when sudden things happen.The world is darker now given we are at the tail end of the endtimes.Shalom.

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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