2022 Judgment Begins: Are You Prepared?
January 26, 2022 7:35 AM
Frank Serritella
Good morning, Jonathan I want to share two dreams given in four nights allow me to explain.
On December 26th, 27th, and 30th the Lord God who sits in the heavens, gave me the same dream! 3 NIGHTS IN 5 DAYS. (Genesis 41:32..it was repeated because it will come to pass shortly)
The dream was this:
It was a blue Sunny sky, gorgeous sky, a few clouds in the sky, people were having a good time, children laughing and singing. Everybody was having a great time.
Then all of a sudden, it was like God just flipped the switch and the sky turned black all Hell broke loose! mayhem, chaos, and anarchy, with dead bodies and blood all over.
The words: “It begins the second half of 2022!” kept ringing over and over and over my head.
On January 25th at 3:43 in the morning I woke up with a very intense dream.
The Lord has given me many dreams and visions during my almost 8 years here in Florida, but none has ever affected me like this.
It was so crystal-clear, a dream clearer than any HDTV.
The dream was simply this:
I saw lines and lines of people for blocks, waiting and hoping to get food.
Many hundreds, even thousands of people lined up for blocks waiting for food.
There were actually three types of people.
There were the average person just waiting in line hoping to get food.
The Second group were women with children that had terrified and brokenhearted looks on their faces, with children crying in their laps and they knew they couldn’t do anything.
The Third group which was really surprising were the people that were expecting to be raptured! These people were filled with panic. They had terrified, and confused looks on their faces asking what happened? We weren’t supposed to go through this, our pastor lied to us! you could see the anger, rage and the disappointment with confusion, along with great fear in their faces.
There were two verses of scripture stood out to me.
The first, when Jesus says in Matthew 24:19 woe to those who are pregnant and with child.
But the scripture that really hit home is Lamentations 4:9 that says “those who are slain by the sword will be better off than those who die from hunger for there’s no food in the field.
I pray that your audience will take these to Heart!
The Judgment of an angry God is Looming and The Lord in his Amazing Love for us is warning us to prepare for the Coming Vengeance of the things to come.
Now is not a time to be like Those in Noah’s days……eating, drinking, buying selling, planting and building.
The Lord is calling us to sit at His feet and be like Mary and hear His Words…do not be like Martha ( Luke 10:38-42)
The Lord is calling us to be like the Apostle John and rest our head on His bosom and listen to His Divine heart beat….John 13:23
The Lord is calling us to Wrestle with Him like Jacob, not letting go until He knocks our hip out of place and He changes our walk with Him! ) Genesis 32:22-32) Bringing us to a deeper more intimate covenant walk with our beloved Savior!
Remember….if Satan can’t get you to be Judas, Satan will gladly settle for you to be a Martha!
I signed this as a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ
Frank Serritella