144 Thousand Transformed
September 20, 2024
Yeny Martínez
Translated from Spanish
I share a revelation from this morning
In the early morning of 09/14/24 I dreamed a part of what our bodies will experience being 144 transformed.
I dreamed that I was in a city, it was rather nighttime and there was a group there, like many people in conflict and they started to fight and I left there because that fight had nothing to do with me and I went outside a house so they wouldn’t see me and I concentrated on that in my mind and I began to get up to go through the houses, the walls and at the same time I looked all around through the walls down because I was going through many houses, that is, I was leaving that place and I arrived at another city and there it was like a nice normal afternoon and I already started to walk as if nothing, then I went through many walls of houses, I saw everything, my body felt light as in the spirit but at the same time it was my body because when I arrived at the other city I had already resumed my carnal nature normally and I was already walking, I was impressed.
Glory to God.
Jesus appears to his disciples behind closed doors through the wall.
John 20:19-29
New International Version
Jesus appears to his disciples
19 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together behind closed doors for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said,
“Peace be with you!”
20 When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. When the disciples saw the Lord, they rejoiced.
21 “Peace be with you!” Jesus said again. “As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.”
Original Spanish Below
En la madrugada del 14/09/24 Soñe una parte de lo que nuestros cuerpos experimentarán siendo 144 transformados.
Yeny Martínez.
Yo soñé que estaba en una ciudad estaba más bien de noche y había un grupo ahí como de muchas personas como en conflicto y empezaron a pelear y yo me fui de ahí porque esa pelea yo no tenía nada que ver y me fui como hacia afuera de una casa para que no me vieran y en eso me concentro en mi mente y empiezo a levantarme a traspasar las casas las paredes y al mismo tiempo miraba todo alrededor por las paredes hacia abajo porque yo estaba traspasando muchas casas o sea yo me estaba yendo de ese lugar y llegué a otra ciudad y ahí era como una linda tarde normal y yo ya empecé a caminar como si nada, entonces traspase muchas paredes de casas todo lo veía, mi cuerpo lo sentía como liviano como en el espíritu pero a la vez era mi cuerpo porque cuando llegué a la otra ciudad ya retomé normalmente mi carnalidad y ya caminaba me quedé impresionada.
Gloria a Dios.
Jesús aparece a sus discípulos a puerta cerrada pasando la pared.
Juan 20:19-29
Nueva Versión Internacional
Jesús se aparece a sus discípulos
19 Al atardecer de aquel primer día de la semana, estando reunidos los discípulos a puerta cerrada por temor a los judíos, entró Jesús y poniéndose en medio de ellos, dijo:
—¡La paz sea con ustedes!
20 Dicho esto, les mostró las manos y el costado. Al ver al Señor, los discípulos se alegraron.
21 —¡La paz sea con ustedes! —repitió Jesús—. Como el Padre me envió a mí, así yo los envío a ustedes.
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